What a wonderful evening! 65 Brethren attended. The lodge performed a second degree ceremony for Bourne Lodge.

We are a Masonic Lodge based in Mudeford, Dorset
What a wonderful evening! 65 Brethren attended. The lodge performed a second degree ceremony for Bourne Lodge.
One our member’s celebrated 60 years in Freemasonry. He received his certificate from the Past Provincial Grand Master.
A first for ‘The Elizabethan Lodge’ a double initiation. A wonderful ceremony followed by a great Festive Board. Our two new members are candidates of our Worshipful Master.
A very special evening. We installed our Worshipful Master and also presented a 50 year certificate to one of our members who was accompanied by his Son, who had recently joined our fraternity.
We welcomed another new Brother to our Lodge. The ceremony went well and we all enjoyed a lively Festive Board afterwards.
What a wonderful evening! 45 members and guests enjoyed each others company at our Ladies Night at the Dudsbury Golf Club, Hotel & Spa. The food was excellent and we were entertained by Saxuality, a Bournemouth based duo.
This is what one of our guests said about the evening:
‘The excellence of the ceremony, the quality of the Festive Board and above all the camaraderie of your brethren was up to the usual standard I have come to expect and of course I must mention the choir – one of those “extras” that makes The Elizabethan Lodge 7262 special. It was also really encouraging to see the temple and dining hall so well populated in what are still difficult times.‘
What a wonderful meeting!
Those who attended witnessed two unique presentations. The 1st degree tracing board and an explanation of the journey from the Craft to the Royal Arch.
Join The Elizabethan Lodge members and their guests to kick off your Christmas Celebrations
This is a unique ceremony which commemorates those who lost their lives in the Great War. The ceremony will be performed after the Lodge business has been completed. It will be the perfect opportunity for potential candidates to join us, witness the ceremony and get a feel for Freemasonry.