Dine a friend event coming soon….

Have you got a friend that is always asking you about your Masonry journey? What do you do? How do you become a Freemason? Well now is the perfect time to bring him along to the dine a friend event at Christchurch Masonic Centre and let us answer those questions and possibly get your friend to take his 1st step in Freemasonry. #highcliffelodge #ViaLucis #twynhamlodge #freemasonry #Freemasons #freemasonryworldwide

2nd Degree Ceremony Tonight for Bourne Lodge

Tonight the Brethren of The Elizabethan Lodge 7262 will host Bourne Lodge in a very special ceremony. We are all looking forward to the night and of course the Festive Board afterwards, where our wonderful caterers will serve us a chinese style 3 course meal. No doubt we will also raise a great some for local charities too tonight, which is one of our main objectives in Masonry. #theelizabethanlodge #freemasonry #Freemasons #freemasonryworldwide #brotherhood #brethren #christchurch #mudeford #bournelodge

Celebrating a Brother

When we aren’t practicing ritual or raising money for local causes we are having FUN and that is what Freemasonry is all about. These pictures were taken at one of our members 40th birthday bashes recently. We are Freemason’s, we are Brother’s but most importantly we are friends. If you are interested in Freemasonry drop us a DM and we will connect you with our membership officer. #freemasonry #Freemasons #freemasonlife #freemasonryworldwide #theelizabethanlodge

Initiation Ceremony Jan 2025

On Monday 20th January 2025 The Elizabethan Lodge initiated Bro Josh Whitton into our masonic fraternity. The evening saw some excellent recitals by the brethren of the lodge delivered so well that visiting officers remarked it was one the best ceremony’s they had seen for a long time. Welcome Bro Josh and we hope you have many happy years with us in Christchurch and the wider order.

Christmas White Table Meeting

On the 16th December The Elizabethan Lodge held its annual Christmas meeting and white table Festive Board, where wives, partners and families were also invited to attend. The night was a great success a lot of fun and most importantly we raised money for Teddies for Loving Care a charity freemasonry continues to support and Christchurch Food Bank after its recent burglary.

Thank you to Southern Union Chorus for entertaining us who also donated their fee from us to the Bournemouth Food Bank.

Monday 18th March

What a wonderful evening! 65 Brethren attended. The lodge performed a second degree ceremony for Bourne Lodge.

Monday 18th March

One our member’s celebrated 60 years in Freemasonry. He received his certificate from the Past Provincial Grand Master.